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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Constitutional or Communism?

Our country’s founding fathers knew that a government who provides everything to its citizens can also take it away along with any other liberties. If social programs were mandated back then, they knew that it would have been a form of slavery to the government and a form of tyranny by the government. These mandated social programs give the government power over the people by making the people dependant on the government and brainwashing them to believe that it is their “right” to have them. That is why none of these government provisions are in the Constitution. Our Constitution was founded on the premise that mankind was born with certain inalienable rights, rights that are inherently and automatically given at birth… rights given by God. The right to speak your mind, write them down and publish it. The right to self preservation…to defend yourself, your property and others. The right to redress your elected government about grievances you may have to name a few. But a right to have someone else or the government provide goods and services to you is not among them.

If you do a little research and then give an honest assessment of our country’s economic troubles, all of them are results of socialist (liberal, progressive, communist…whatever you want to call it) programs that have been expanded beyond solvency by their "feel good" policies. Social Security is almost bankrupt and Medicare and Medicaid are bankrupt! The housing market basically collapsed because of government mandated loans by banks to people who could not afford them which was mandated by the Community Reinvestment Act. So now they say we need to fix these programs, so let’s pass these emergency spending bills in the trillions of dollars and strap future generations with our spending bills! I say that what needs to happen is all of those programs need to be abolished because they are UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Nowhere in our Constitution is a provision for any of them! Social Security and Healthcare are not rights no matter what the argument they use, they are a commodity just like a 401K and auto insurance is! And if you can not afford something, have enough common sense not to buy it, especially a house!

I know that what I am saying would be virtually impossible these days to occur all at once because these programs are huge bureaucracies and employ hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people. They need to be slowly dismantled. And that is exactly the reason why we can not allow this massive bureaucracy of Nationalized Healthcare to become law! As the President likes to point out, healthcare is 1/6th of our economy. Why on God's green earth does he think that a huge government bureaucracy is the solution with all of its fraud, waste and abuse that always occur in government programs?

Here, take a look at Communist and Socialist Constitutions like the former USSR’s and Cuba’s and Venezuelan Constitutions…you’ll find these social provisions in all of them! However, NONE OF THESE CONSTITUTIONS, HAVE THE EQUIVALENT TO OUR SECOND AMENDMENT…THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS! I wonder why? Could it be that they know that in order to protect and keep their tyrannical government systems in power, they can’t have their citizens armed to possibly rise up against them?

What does our founding document tell us about this very situation…?

“...That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness…But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.” —Declaration of Independence

Quite the opposite than what Communist or Socialist governments philosophy is, isn’t it?

We are a free country, not a Communist or Socialist one, or at least that is how we were founded anyway. I can’t really define what our form of government we have now! Its some sort of bastardized one because our lawmakers and elected officials over the past 100 years have not held up to their oath of office to "support and defend the Constitution", but instead passed laws that skirt around it! Our government derives it powers from us...We the people! NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! And when that system reverses itself as it seems to be doing...or has done already, not only is it our RIGHT to abolish it and set it straight again...IT IS OUR DUTY TO DO SO!

Venezuelan Constitution


Article 83: Health is a fundamental social right and the responsibility of the State, which shall guarantee it as part of the right to life. The State shall promote and develop policies oriented toward improving the quality of life, common welfare and access to services. All persons have the right to protection of health, as well as the duty to participate actively in the furtherance and protection of the same, and to comply with such health and hygiene measures as may be established by law, and in accordance with international conventions and treaties signed and ratified by the Republic.

Article 84: In order to guarantee the right to health, the State creates, exercises guidance over and administers a national public health system that crosses sector boundaries, and is decentralized and participatory in nature, integrated with the social security system and governed by the principles of gratuity, universality, completeness, fairness, social integration and solidarity. The public health system gives priority to promoting health and preventing disease, guaranteeing prompt treatment and quality rehabilitation. Public health assets and services are the property of the State and shall not be privatized. The organized community has the right and duty to participate in the making- of decisions concerning policy planning, implementation and control at public health institutions.

Article 85: Financing of the public health system is the responsibility of the State, which shall integrate the revenue resources, mandatory Social Security contributions and any other sources of financing provided for by law. The State guarantees a health budget such as to make possible the attainment of health policy objectives. In coordination with universities and research centers, a national professional and technical training policy and a national industry to produce health care supplies shall be promoted and developed. The State shall regulate both public and private health care institutions.

Social Security

Article 86: All persons are entitled to Social Security as a nonprofit public service to guarantee health and protection in contingencies of maternity, fatherhood, illness, invalidity, catastrophic illness, disability, special needs, occupational risks, loss of employment, unemployment, old age, widowhood, loss of parents, housing, burdens deriving from family life, and any other social welfare circumstances. The State has the obligation and responsibility of ensuring the efficacy of this right, creating a universal and complete Social Security system, with joint, unitary, efficient and participatory financing from direct and indirect contributions. The lack of ability to contribute shall not be ground for excluding persons from protection by the system. Social Security financial resources shall not be used for other purposes. The mandatory assessments paid by employees to cover medical and health care services and other Social Security benefits shall be administered only for social purposes, under the guidance of the State. Any net remaining balances of capital allocated to health, education and Social Security shall be accumulated for distribution and contribution to those services. The Social Security system shall be ruled by a special organic law. ]

Cuban Constitution

Social Security

ARTICLE 47. By means of the Social Security System the state assures adequate protection to every worker who is unable to work because of age, illness or disability.

If the worker dies this protection will be extended to his family.

ARTICLE 48. The state protects, by means of social assistance, senior citizens lacking financial resources or anyone to take them in or care for them, and anyone who is unable to work and has no relatives who can help them.


ARTICLE 50: Everyone has the right to health protection and care. The state guarantees this right;
- by providing free medical and hospital care by means of the installations of the rural medical service network, polyclinics, hospitals, preventative and specialized treatment centers;
- by providing free dental care;
- by promoting the health publicity campaigns, health education, regular medical examinations, general vaccinations and other measures to prevent the outbreak of disease. All the population cooperates in these activities and plans through the social and mass organizations.

Former Soviet Union's Constitution


Article 42 [Health]
(1) Citizens of the USSR have the right to health protection.
(2) This right is ensured by free, qualified medical care provided by state health institutions; by extension of the network of therapeutic and health-building institutions; by the development and improvement of safety and hygiene in industry; by carrying out broad prophylactic measures; by measures to improve the environment; by special care for the health of the rising generation, including prohibition of child labor, excluding the work done by children as part of the school curriculum; and by developing research to prevent and reduce the incidence of disease and ensure citizens a long and active life.

Social Security
Article 43 [Welfare]
(1) Citizens of the USSR have the right to maintenance in old age, in sickness, and in the event of complete or partial disability or loss of the breadwinner.
(2) The right is guaranteed by social insurance of workers and other employees and collective farmers; by allowances for temporary disability; by the provision by the state or by collective farms of retirement pensions, disability pensions, and pensions for loss of the breadwinner; by providing employment for the partially disabled; by care for the elderly and the disabled; and by other forms of social security.

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