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The Daily Shepherd

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The one Constitutional Amendment that defends the rest

Let’s get something straight right from the start. Guns do not kill people; crazy, murderous people do. 85,000,000 law abiding gun owners did not kill anyone today and no gun by itself did either. I am and always will be a staunch and firm believer in the one Constitutional amendment that defends and enables all the rest of them to exist, the Second Amendment. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The Supreme Court has thus far ruled on only two of the three components of the Second Amendment; that is the “keep” component and the “militia vs individual” component. The Supreme Court has ruled that it is an individual right to possess arms and not that of only the militia.

Since the “keep” component has been ruled as a Constitutional right and that the militia vs individual has been ruled as an individual right. The third component that is never mentioned is the “bear” component and is just as important as the first two in the Constitutionality of the Second Amendment. Again, not that I am any smarter than your average Supreme Court Justice, but since the Supreme Court has ruled that it is the Constitutional (and actually a “God-given”) Right for the individual citizen (militia vs individual) to possess (“keep”) firearms, then it is therefore Constitutional (and therefore a “God-given”) Right to carry (“bear”) firearms (“arms”). Further clarification if I may…


“Keep”: verb. To hold or retain in one's possession; hold as one's own. To have the care, charge, or custody of.

The definition of the term “keep” in the Second Amendment means for the citizenry to own and have in their possession “arms” necessary for them to use for their own personal and their community’s protection and security.

“Bear”: verb: to hold or carry; bring; to possess.
The definition of the term “bear” in the Second Amendment means for the citizenry to carry and possess the “arms” on their person, to be readily available when needed to defend their person and community.

“Arms”: noun: weapons, especially, firearms, swords, spears, knives.
The definition of the term “arms” in the Second Amendment means “weapons”, any weapon that can be used for their personal and community’s protection and security such as firearms, swords, spears, knives, et al.

It is therefore, by definition, unconstitutional to for Congress to “infringe upon the rights” of law abiding citizens by legislating concealed weapons laws and legislating what type of “arms” they can “keep” and ” bear”. By doing so, restricts and infringes upon the law abiding citizen’s personal freedoms and Constitutional Rights.

“The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.” – Thomas Jefferson

“If I had my way, sporting guns would be strictly regulated, the rest would be confiscated.” – Nancy Pelosi (ex-Speaker of the House)

Which is scarier to you, law abiding citizens exercising their constitutional rights, or a tyrannical government who is hell bent on taking them away and then tries to make you believe that it is for your own good and protection? The government does not have the authority to dictate to me what I do and do not need. When a government does that, its called Socialism/Communism.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Shep Dawg...Nice to see you updating your site!
