The Daily Shepherd News Network

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Providing news and commentary that the Main Stream Media refuses to.

The Daily Shepherd

Leading the American “Sheeple” to once again becoming “We the People”.

Monday, July 12, 2010

We will not be silenced…How Obama stole the Democratic Primary

By now most politically informed news hounds have heard about the allegations of voter intimidation in Philadelphia, Pa surrounding the New Black Panther Party (basically, they are Black skin-heads) during the 2008 Election and the subsequent charges being dropped when good old Eric Holder became the Attorney General. That case is poised to blow up in his face after a DOJ lawyer quit and came forth with evidence of racial bias as the reason why it was dropped. See the video below:

The New Black Panther Party couldn’t be more appreciative to him for it! See the below video:

But there was more of this type of corruption going on during the 2008 election that didn’t get reported on. Here is proof that Obama is nothing but a Chicago style thug and stole the 2008 Democratic Primary from Hillary Clinton through voter fraud and intimidation:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Our nation is crumbling under massive debt and our elected officials are devious and corrupt. This is the most politically and racially divisive administration of my life time. You can not find a more divisive one since Woodrow Wilson started segregation! I ask you, what has our country become? Where is it headed? And is there anything that can be done to set this country on the right path. Short of an armed revolution…VOTE! The next two elections just me be the most important election cycles of your life time! Don’t take the attitude that your voice wont’t be heard…every vote is vital!

1 comment:

  1. Blaw, blaw, blaw...cant we get off Obama and start bashin all them Homosexualls hidin in the military or somethin?
