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The Daily Shepherd

Leading the American “Sheeple” to once again becoming “We the People”.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Everything is not as it seems...or should be

Sometime during the last half-century, America – the most magnificent and prosperous nation in the world – was stolen.

Just 50 years ago, in the 1950s, America was a great place. It was a decent place. Children got good educations in the public schools. Even blue-collar fathers brought home middle-class incomes, so moms could stay home with the kids. Television shows reflected sound, moral, traditional values.

Where did it all go? How did that America become the sleazy, decadent place we live in today – so different that those who grew up prior to the '60s feel like it's a foreign country? Did it just happen?

NO! It didn't just happen. In fact, a deliberate agenda was followed to steal our culture and leave a new and very different one in its place. The story of how and why is one of the most important parts of our nation's history – and it is a story almost no one knows. The people behind it wanted it that way.

Today in the age of Obama, millions of Americans are "waking up" to this stealth infiltration and subversion of their beloved country and are appalled at what they see: Not only is their government in the hands of the leftist radicals, but virtually all of our nation's major institutions – from the public education system to our colleges and universities, from the news media to the entertainment industry, from the unions to our major philanthropic foundations, even many of our churches – have also been captivated by this same destructive ideology all in the progressive name of “social justice”.

Here's the hard and disturbing truth, the same 'isms' that we fought to contain overseas – whether you call it Marxism, socialism, or progressivism – has been slowly infiltrating and subverting America for decades. The final piece of the puzzle – the federal government – fell into leftists' radical hands like a ripe piece of fruit in November 2008.

Obama’s agenda can be defined in two words ... redistributive rights. Once he achieves this... he gains control of all in all ways he foresees doing.

The redistributive change begins with the banks.
Take the big banks ... bolster them in any way you must ….then methodically begin closing the lesser banks. Keep a few around to use for your purposes… telling them who to makes loans to and under what conditions.

Bail out as many companies as you can then take full control of them .. using the bailout money as your reason… destroying the economy as the people have built it … then offer money to those whom have been destroyed .. money to use to retrain them in lines of work approved by the state government. .. which in turn has become beholden to the federal government for money taken in return for doing its bidding.

Redistributive wealth means one thing and one thing only... complete and total government control.

That is Obama’s agenda … and there is not one of us who can use the excuse any more that we do not know … for he has said it and he is doing all he can now to achieve it.
Did people get the government they deserve ? Did we deserve this one as it was voted in by people who had been put to sleep … by a blind trust that came from our sense of security in our freedom as we went on with our busy day to day lives … or perhaps through a lack of attention on what was going on around us brought on by an overdose of mind numbing ”entertainment”?

Our tax code is a prime example of redistribution of wealth. My wife and I paid over $19,000 in federal taxes and still owed over $1900. However, I prepared a friend of the family’s sister’s income taxes for her. She is a single mother of two who only paid $700 in federal taxes and got back…$6500! You tell me, isn’t there something wrong with this picture?

If enough people are still asleep then this government stays in power after November of this year... then we will surely deserve all that comes with it… and that will not be good by any measure of common sense.

Wake up … America … and stay awake! Be vigilant for the wolf is at the door...

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