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The Daily Shepherd

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stupak lied the whole time!

The representative from Michigan, Bart Stupak who portrays himself as a pro-life Democrat has been lying through his teeth the whole time! He freely admits that he WILL NOT stand behind his supposed pro-life principals and vote against Obamacare. If it came down to his vote being the deciding factor, he would vote in favor of Obamacare. Well guess what...that is exactly what happened, for the most part. He made a political deal with Obama to give him a little political cover by promising to issue a toothless "executive order" that states no federal funds can be used to pay for abortions in order for him not to look like a flip-flopper on his vote. Everyone with half a brain knows that an executive order does not over ride the legislated law and is only good until the President rescinds it or leaves office. It has as much teeth as a resolution and is not binding if challenged in court. Most of the provisions in this bill don't even take effect until Obama is either re-elected or voted out of office(preferably the latter!).

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