Just as in the movie “The Matrix” where reality was an illusion, the reality of the Obama administration is proving to merely be an illusion created by leftist forces to “fundamentally transform America” into something that it never was intended to be by our Founding Fathers.
There are a lot of inconsistencies in the Barack Hussein Obama story that have come to light over the last five years that the main stream media, the courts, Congress and even the Supreme Court have ignored or do not have the political will power to delve into. This is the real harm and the great tragedy that will befall this great country. When no one is willing to confront injustice and alleged “high crimes and misdemeanors”, this country cannot stand as a shining city on a hill. It will surely fall just as Rome did…from the corruption within.
What if most everything that has been reported about President Obama is a lie? What would that mean to this country? Well, at the very least it would mean that the American people were duped into believing and voting for a person who does not have America’s and all of the American citizen’s best interest at heart. At worst, it would be the most grievous Constitutional crisis the likes of which this country and perhaps the modern world has never faced; much less thought it could ever happen. This could be the reason so many refuse to even entertain the idea. It would be generationally catastrophic.
With that said, at the heart of this “Matrix” conundrum is Barack Obama’s birth certificate, draft registration card, social security number and why he is preventing literally all of his college transcripts and information from being released to the public? Only he and maybe a handful of his minions know why. Here are the investigation’s findings thus far…
First let’s take a look at the dilemma of his birth certificate. From the investigation into the matter, it appears that the White House was party to fraudulently creating a forgery that it characterized as an officially produced governmental birth record. Then the White House fraudulently presented to the American public at large, a forgery represented as “proof positive” of President Obama’s authentic 1961 Hawaii long-form birth certificate. The evidence also suggests that the Hawaii Department of Health has engaged in a systematic effort to hide from public inspection any original 1961 birth records it may have in its possession including Obama’s mother’s medical records for his birth. As several experts have testified, the features and anomalies observed on the Obama long-form birth certificate are inconsistent with features produced when a paper document is scanned or produced from a microfilm, even if the scan is enhanced by Optical Character Recognition, OCR, and optimized.
Additionally, the Hawaii Department of Health Registrar’s name stamp and the registrar’s date stamp were computer-generated images imported into an electronic document, as opposed to rubber stamp imprints inked by hand or machine onto a paper document. That in itself casts reasonable suspicions on the authenticity of the registrar stamp since these stamp imprints are designed to provide government authentication to the document itself and if the registrar stamps are forgeries, the document itself is therefore a forgery. There is much more forensic evidence that is too extensive to write here. Finally, former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams has signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been born in their medical facilities…why?
Now let’s look at his draft registration card. Obama dated his registration card as “July 30, 1980” but the registration date stamp reads “July 29, 08”. The numbers 1 and 9 are missing from the date stamp: It says “Jul 29, 80″ instead of Jul 29, 1980 as all the other registration forms from Hawaii at the same time frame have. The 1980 date on Obama's Selective Service registration card was created by cutting the date 2008 to read just 08 and flipping it to make the 80 portion of 1980. Again, there is much more forensic evidence that is too extensive to write here as well.
On March 3, 2010, two people (Kenneth Allen and retired federal agent J. Stephen Coffman) requested Obama’s Selective Service registration through the Freedom of Information Act, but each received a computer printout with different information.
Both Allen and Coffman received a computer printout indicating the registration number on Obama’s Selective Service form as 61-1125539-1. However the Document Locator Number (DLN), that is assigned to each Selective Service record, which is located in the upper right-hand corner of Obama’s registration form that Allen received is different from the DLN of the Obama form that Coffman received. Coffman’s computer printout showed a DLN of 8089 708 0632. Allen’s computer printout showed a DLN of 0897 080 6320. Once issued, DLNs do not change. In other words, a man who has two DLNs with the Selective Service System has two sets of records….why?
Let’s now look into his social security number. The first three digits of Obama’s SSN are 042. That code falls within the range of numbers for Connecticut, which according to the Social Security Administration is 040 through 049. Obama’s name, birth date and the 042 social security number was entered into the government’s E-Verify program, used for verifying employment eligibility. Entering Obama’s information resulted in the production of a “Notice of Mismatch with Social Security Administration (SSA) Records,” instructing the employee (Obama) to “Bring this notice with you when you visit SSA.” Jean Paul Ludwig, who was born in 1890, had a Connecticut SSN obtained in 1977 and he died in Hawaii in 1980. Barack Obama is residing today in the White House, using that same Connecticut SSN 042-xx-xxxx, issued in Connecticut in and around March 1977 to an elderly individual named John Paul Ludwig, who was born in 1890…why and how?
And finally, what would be his reasoning not to divulge his college transcripts and pertinent information to the public? Nearly 3½ years into his presidency, President Obama still refuses to release the following records at a legal cost approaching $3 million:
Passport records; medical records; Honolulu kindergarten records; Punahou School records; Occidental College records; Columbia University records and senior thesis; Harvard Law School records; Harvard Law Review articles; scholarly articles on law as an Instructor at the University Chicago Law School; Illinois State Bar Association records; Illinois State Senate records/schedules (said to be lost); marriage license of mom and dad (Dunham/Obama Sr.); Dunham/Obama Sr. divorce documents; marriage license of mom and step-dad (Dunham/ Soetoro and adoption records by step-dad Soetoro…why?
With all the unwarranted and unexplained roadblocks that have been thwarting these investigations at every turn, it seems as though it’s being treated like the far-fetched conspiracy theory of the second gunman on the grassy knoll instead of like the seriousness of Presidential wrong doing like Watergate, Iran-Contra or the Lewinsky affair. By not questioning these serious allegations, it’s almost as if Americans are losing their ability to discern truth from fiction, light from dark, good from evil and sweet from bitter. So by not caring enough to insist that the powers-that-be thoroughly investigate these purported crimes, maybe we deserve to have a corrupt system of justice where the powerful and well-connected are above the law of the land and the American people are merely lethargic sheep following the shepherd to wherever he may lead no matter the cost…Not me! I believe as our Founding Fathers did, that the American people deserve to have a government accountable to them…no matter the cost!!